A study carried out by Debenhams had heart monitors fitted to customers in an attempt to find which departments saw them get most enthusiastic and the men scored high in the lingerie dept; that is enough proof, recession hasn't touched the male libido! Women got most excited treating themselves to gorgeous party dresses or glam shoes or something that can be shown off and talked about in public. Yet women might get the chance to wear their lingerie out in public and satiate fashion demands with your peek-a-bra outfit as underwear is becoming the new outerwear this spring. Designers like Stella McCartney and Christian Dior are taking underwear to another level from the breast cones invented by Jean Paul Gaultier for Madonna.
Lately popularized by Lilley Allen, Britney Spears, Beyonce and Rihanna, the outfit seems to offer men a chance keep their favorite lingerie within view as women find it surprisingly cool to wear it on-the-out. It can look quite sexy as long as it's done tastefully though it may not always be comfortable as wearing-it-out has spurred sales of nipple covers by as much as 20% in the UK. But unless you are adamant on setting a trend it would always be a better idea to hide your laces and under-wire, unless of course you are lady Gaga or dancing with the Pussy Cat Dolls.
It is true that not always can you shop for comfort and style in the same dress but when it comes to underwear, comfort is as primary as style quotient, as it would help you avoid unnecessary embarrassment trying to tighten your fallen bra strap or pull on your ridge-riding panty in public. How often does an ill-fitting bra or panty forces you to re-think your buying process? Or force you to seek the right sources?
The right bra is the one in which you don't feel weighed down and doesn't let you know of its presences though giving you the assurance of being covered, secured and held in place, comfortably. And besides supporting your breasts, it should also aid in defining the shape of the breast and the upper torso. An ill-fitting bra will spoil one's posture, shape and result in neck/shoulders ache. The simple advice here is, better burn your bra than pulling over an ill-fit.
'If you've got it, flaunt it' the generation today's mantra is showing that there is nothing like expensive lingerie to make a woman feel that extra bit special. Brasseries and panties in hot laces, transparent lace and lycra baby doll nightwear, embellished corsets and lace trimmed bras, sexy feel-free swim wear, and lipstick-red lingerie are only a few of the many underwear trends that will be shown in the collections of prominent labels this spring which give a modern yet sexy look that works for dates, cocktails, or a sexy night at home affair. Of all the mishaps and the embarrassments you surely do not want to put off your hubby or your boyfriend on the birthday or anniversary night with ill fitting and unsightly lingerie.
The trend for today suggests subtle expose of undergarments and use of lingerie-like pieces in a more refined than racy look topped by cropped off jackets and combined with pants and skirts, its more like the peek-a-boo boudoir approach at Dior, than the daring Marc Jacob cheeky bras-over-T-shirts and the bloomer twist of Joe Fresh.
As the ultra-thin fad is out, curves are back in the business focus of designers with a wide range and variety of plus-size lingerie flooding the shelves, no matter what you're looking for - pretty plus-sized bras and panties, corsets, sexy shape-wear, naughty chemises, plus size babydoll or sumptuous swimwear that will make you feel and look sexy like never before. As the Valentine's Day fast approaches, this could be the time to surprise your special someone, buying and/or wearing some luscious lingerie to set your romance on the throttle through spring and summer.