Accurate Measurements: Before you sit down at your computer, have someone take your measurements. Ideally you'll need bust waist and hips, but with lingerie it's useful to know the underbust measurement as well. Once you've taken these measurements check your bra size. The difference between your underbust and bust gives you your cup size, so it's useful to get this right. If you are in doubt go along to almost any store that sells bras and ask to be measured, Sometimes it's just easier to have someone else do it.
The majority of store bought lingerie can cope with up to a C or D cup, beyond that you need to think carefully. If you buy a bigger size the cups may be big enough but the under bust will be too big and you wont get the effect you are looking for.
Look also at the difference between your bust and your hips. Most standard sizes allow for two inches difference. If you are 4 inches of more greater in the hips that the bust be careful in your choice of size. Some items have wide skirts and as long as the bust fits you will be fine. In general slinky styles will not work because if you buy a size big enough for your hips (and after all if you don't it wont fit at all) the bust will be too big, and once again will not give the effect you are looking for. If you want something slinky you'll need to choose pajamas or get something custom made.
Remember to take into account how you will wear the item you are buying. If a nightgown, do you plan to wear a bra underneath? If not, don't measure your bust size while wearing a bra, and don't measure your waist and hips while wearing a girdle. If you plan to purchase a camisole and shorts, is this for daywear beneath your clothes (when you probably will wear a bra) or for bed when you wont? In small sizes there may be little difference, but as sizes get larger, the with bra/without bra measurement varies a lot.
Check the Sizes. Be careful to check the sizes offered on the web site. Lingerie is often sold in very vague size terms. One persons large can be another persons small and the precise meanings of 1X 2X and 3X seems to vary considerably. Most stores have a web chat facility of phone number. If in doubt about sizes, use them! A great deal of high end luxury comes from Europe where sizes are quite different. Check that the sizes shown are US sizes and if not find out what they mean. If the numbers look ridiculously large it's probably because they are in centimetres and not in inches. Divide by 5 and multiply by two to get the 'real' figure. If you find yourself uncertain of the size, check the stores return policy and confirm that you can return the item if it doesn't fit. Then buy two, one in each size you think may be suitable and send back the one that doesn't fit as soon as you try it on.
Have It Made. Not that long ago almost all clothes, from lingerie upwards, were custom made. There were no standard sizes, these are an invention of the modern age along with the entire fashion industry. There are still companies who specialise in providing beautifully made modern garments customised to their clients measurements and in addition to the custom sizing can provide other customizations such as color and sometimes trim. While these services are more expensive, they typically provide a great deal more choice allowing you to purchase what you want, rather than what the store has to offer, and the garments are typically far better quality, made from luxury fabrics and beautifully finished. As any image consultant will tell you, the right garment, though expensive to buy, is worn often and over time often ends up cheaper than the wrong garment, bought once and left to age in a drawer.
The internet offers far more choice and convenience than high street stores. Keep the above three points in mind while you are shopping and you'll be sure of having fun while buying feminine lingerie. It's one of the pleasures of being female.